Institutional Credit Management (ICM) is an in-business and first Line of Defense (1LoD) function within Citi dedicated to end-to-end wholesale credit risk (WCR) management. ICM covers numerous products, regions, and lines of businesses (LoBs) – all while providing the controls and support necessary to help reduce Citi’s risks. Wholesale Credit Risk (“WCR”) In-Business Quality Assurance (QA) is an integral part of the ICM organization. WCR In-Business QA verifies that established standards and processes are followed and consistently applied. WCR and ICM Management utilize the results of the quality assurance reviews (QARs) to assess the quality of the group's policies, procedures, programs, and practices as relates to the management of wholesale credit risk. The results help management identify risks associated with operational and control weaknesses, training needs, and process deficiencies. The WCR Head of In-Business QA reports results of QARs providing feedback,...